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Kuliah Tamu S2 TBI: Model Perancangan Instruksi dalam Pembelajaran

Postgraduate TBI Masters Program at UIN Salatiga held a guest lecture on June 10 2023 by presenting Dr. Siti Tarwiyah, M. Hum. The academic from FTIK UIN Walisongo gave a presentation of material on instructional design models by considering the concept of instructional models related to approaches, methods, strategies, and techniques in designing instructional learning.

Guest lecture activities were attended by S2 TBI students at UIN Salatiga as a means to strengthen understanding in the concept of learning models. The principle of instructional design by Silber: there must be ideas for learning, through varied media, but effective and efficient in relation to learning activities, assessments. The resource person said that the instructions applied in class should be evaluated for how they work. Teachers should do a need assessment according to William’s theory in 2004 in relation to the cycle of need analysis, need assessment, front end analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation . This is based on the ADDIE concept research and development flow.

In this guest lecture activity, Dr. Setia Rini, M.Pd as the Head of the TBI Masters Program also conveyed that students must strengthen the concept of knowledge. In addition, in guest lecture activities, students are given the opportunity to analyze various models and strategies in groups so that a learning process of understanding occurs independently by looking at the comparison of similarities and differences. Students are then asked to carry out interactive sharing sessions in each group including ADDIE, DC, ICARE, ASSURE, Rapid Prototyping , R2D2, Principle Based models . (KW)