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Center of

Green Wasathiyah

International CLASS
Interdisciplinary COLLOQUIUM
Anualy Interdisciplinary Colloquium with International Guest Speaker
Center for Civilization Studies
cross-science civilization from the center of the civilization-building campus
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Dokumen Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal (SPMI)
Dokumen Nama Berkas
Kebijakan Mutu Kebijakan Mutu UIN Salatiga 2023 Download
Kebijakan Mutu Kebijakan Mutu IAIN Salatiga 2020 Download
Standar Mutu Standar Mutu UIN Salatiga 2023 Download
Standar Mutu Standar Mutu IAIN Salatiga 2020 Download
Manual Mutu Manual Mutu UIN Salatiga 2023 Download
Manual Mutu Manual Mutu IAIN Salatiga 2020 Download
Formulir Mutu Formulir Mutu UIN Salatiga 2023 Download
Formulir Mutu Formulir Mutu IAIN Salatiga 2020 Download
Panduan Monitoring Dan Evaluasi (MONEV) SPMI 2020 Download
Komite Etik SK Komite Etik UIN Salatiga Download
IKT IKT UIN Salatiga mengacu BAN-PT Download
IKT IKT IAIN Salatiga mengacu BAN-PT Download