Pada hari Selasa (11 Juni 2024), Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu (LPM) UIN Salatiga memberikan Penghargaan kepada Dosen berprestasi bidang akademik dalam rangka Apresiasi Sivitas Akademika Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga (PRASTA SAGA). Pada acara tersebut, Kaprodi S2 PAI (Dr. Mukh Nursikin, M.S.I) terpilih sebagai Juara I dan Sesprodi S2 PAI (Dr. Edi Cahyono, S.E, M.M) terpilih sebagai Juara II dosen berprestasi dibidang akademik UIN Salatiga. Penghargaan tersebut diberikan dalam rangka memberikan apresiasi kepada para dosen yang memiliki prestasi akademik yang dinilai dari 4 indikator utama, yaitu: rekognisi, publikasi penelitian, luaran PkM, dan penghargaan yang dihasilkan selama 3 tahun terakhir. Semoga kegiatan ini dapat memberikan kebermanfaatan kepada seluruh sivitas akademika UIN Salatiga. (ECA)
Deakin University, in collaboration with the European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS), Universitas Indonesia, and Universitas Gadjah Mada, is organizing “The International Conference: Populisms, Digital Technologies, and the 2024 Elections in Indonesia.” This event, scheduled shortly after the simultaneous multi-level elections in February, will be hosted by the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalization (ADI), providing a crucial platform to explore various aspects and dynamics of populism in Indonesia. The conference’s scope extends beyond electoral outcomes to encompass the intricate interplay between populism, digital technologies, artificial intelligence, disinformation, religion, collective emotions, and socio-political factors that shape Indonesia’s democratic discourse.
Over the course of two intense days, the conference will feature comprehensive discussions spanning 31 papers organized into eight thought-provoking panels. These panels will address distinct facets of Indonesia’s populisms, ranging from Gender and Youth to Populist Strategy and Communication, and from the complexities of Sharp Power, Disinformation, and Cancel Culture to the nuances of Authoritarianism and Islamist Populism. The diversity of topics underscores the breadth and depth of issues that this conference endeavors to explore.
In addition to paper presentations, the conference will also host two distinguished keynote speakers: Professor Simon Tormey, a renowned authority on populism theory with over a decade of scholarly contribution, and Professor Vedi Hadiz, a seasoned scholar specializing in Islamic populism within the Indonesian context. Their insights will enrich understanding and stimulate critical dialogue throughout and after the conference.
The timely conference is made possible thanks to the generous funding provided by the Australian Research Council (ARC), the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalization (ADI), and the European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS).
On Monday, March 4, 2024, UIN Salatiga Postgraduate Program , Master of Islamic Family Law Study Program held an Interdisciplinary Colloquium activity in the hall on the 2nd floor of the Postgraduate Program Building. This activity invited various stakeholders in the Islamic Family Law study program, including the High Religious Court in Central Java, the Ministry of Religion as well as various Stakeholders, Alumni, as well as Master’s and Bachelor’s students of the Islamic Family Law study program. This activity was also attended by Postgraduate Lecturers at UIN Salatiga. On this occasion, the Director of Postgraduate Programs, Prof. Dr Miftahudin opened the event while providing an introduction and igniting the main Qolloqium. Dr. Empud Mahfuddin, who is also the Chairman of the Semarang High Religious Court, was then followed by the second speaker, Mr. Hasanuddin, who presented his material on the problems of Islamic Family Law. The discussion was guided by the moderator, Dr. Muhamad Aji Nugroho walked enthusiastically. This can be seen from the large number of participants who were actively involved in asking questions and giving opinions about the material presented. This certainly reflects the lively and dynamic atmosphere of academic activities and illustrates the development of discussions regarding Islamic family law discourse in Indonesia, especially Central Java. (Mom).
On Tuesday, February 7 2024, the UIN Salatiga Postgraduate Program carried out benchmarking at UIN Yogyakarta and FISIPOL UGM. On this occasion, UIN Salatiga was given the opportunity to learn and share related to institutional management, development of study and scientific programs as well as programs and study institutions that have been developed in work units. The benchmarking activity was led by the Director, Prof MIftahuddin, M.Ag and Deputy Director, Noor Malihah, Ph.D. and accepted by Prof. Dr. H. Ahmad Mustaqim as director of UIN SUKA and Ahmad Muttaqin, Ph.D.
Ahmad Rafiq, Ph.D as Head of the Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies Doctoral Study Program explained that currently all linear study programs have returned to faculties and the only unique study programs are IIS and SI so that these 2 study programs are managed and developed into several concentrations. Furthermore, according to Dr. Nina Mariani Noor as head of the Masters study program explained that of course it takes a lot of effort to develop this concentration. IIS as a modification of the ongoing scholarship program development implemented by the Ministry of Religion and CIDA and MORA in 2003, at that time provided full scholarships to INA students by inviting professors from McGill University Canada and providing the opportunity to study there. However, this stopped in year 3 and in in the next years after UIN Yogya opened up opportunities to develop the IIS study program across disciplines such as social work, gender, disability and inclusion. Of course, acceleration from IAIN to UIN and its management must be followed by institutional development at the study program level and this is what UIN Salatiga will observe, imitate and modify.
Next, the benchmarking continued at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM. This activity was led directly by the Deputy Chancellor for General Administration, Planning and Finance, Prof. Asfa Widiyanto said that it is hoped that this activity will provide new insights for post-UIN Salatiga students, especially regarding the development of study centers. This activity was received by the Dean Dr. Wawan Mas’udi directly. On this occasion, Deputy Dean for Research and Community Service, Cooperation and Alumni Fina Itriyati, Ph.D said that there were several programs developed by FISIPOL UGM as well as collaboration in research and offering quality partnerships. Later, these partnerships in the education sector can be implemented directly and integrated into MBKM activities, for example student exchanges and/or joint lectures or joint conferences. This will certainly be welcomed by UIN Salatiga postgraduate students in the future in a clearer and more measurable format.
It is hoped that the insights resulting from this knowledge sharing can become a reflection in planning institutional development programs. (Mami)
Dalam rangka mengaktualisasikan komitmen untuk meningkatkan kualitas secara berkelanjutan, pascasarjana UIN Salatiga turut berpartisipasi aktif dalam forum ilmiah internasional. Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS) merupakan event ilmiah internasional yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia pada tanggal 1-4 Februari 2024 di UIN Walisongo Semarang.
Pada event internasional yang bergengsi tersebut, pascasarjana UIN Salatiga mengirimkan delegasi 3 dosen yang ahli dalam bidangnya. Ketiga dosen yang ditugaskan yaitu: 1. Prof. Dr. phil. Asfa Widiyanto, M.A (Wakil Rektor II UIN Salatiga); 2. Prof. Dr. Miftahudin, M.Ag (Direktur Pascasarjana); 3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D (Wakil Direktur Pascasarjana). Dalam forum ini, beliau bertiga memiliki peran strategis masing-masing. Pertama, Prof. Dr. phil. Asfa Widiyanto, M.A yang juga merupakan Editor in Chief IJoReSH, berpartisipasi sebagai discussant dan juga sebagai panelis dengan paper yang berjudul “Religious Minority and Peaceful Coexistence: The Dynamics of the Ahmadiyya Community in Malang, Indonesia. Kedua, Prof. Dr. Miftahuddin, M.Ag berpartisipasi sebagai panelis dengan paper yang berjudul “A Transdisciplinary Approach in Islamic Education: Learning from the Experience of Educating Children of Terrorist at the Pesantren Rumah Asuh, Central Java, Indonesia. Terakhir, Noor Malihah, Ph.D berpartisipasi sebagai discussant dan chair, yang dalam hal ini berperan sebagai perpanjangan tangan IJIMS (Jurnal internasional bereputasi tinggi, Terindeks Scopus Q1). Dalam parallel session yang dipimpin oleh Managing Editor IJIMS ini, terdapat 4 panelis yang notabene adalah penulis IJIMS yang akan diorbitkan tulisannya.
Dengan turut serta berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan internasional yang bergengsi ini, semoga Pascasarjana UIN Salatiga dapat terus Berjaya dan terkenal di kancah nasional maupun internasional. Hal ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan reputasi Pascasarjana UIN Salatiga dalam dunia akademis sehingga dapat memberikan manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya untuk pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan bagi masyarakat luas. (ECA)
Dalam rangka memberikan apresiasi dan motivasi kepada mahasiswa, dosen, dan program studi, Pascasarjana UIN Salatiga menyelenggarakan acara “SANGAR AWARD 2023” pada hari Jumat (22 Desember 2023) di Gedung Pascasarjana, Kampus 1 UIN Salatiga. Acara tersebut dihadiri oleh seluruh sivitas akademika Pascasarjana UIN Salatiga. Penghargaan kepada mahasiswa, dosen, dan program studi diberikan secara langsung oleh Direktur Pascasarjana (Prof. Dr. phil. Asfa Widiyanto, M.A) dan Wakil Direktur (Noor Malihah, Ph.D) Pascasarjana UIN Salatiga.
Ada beberapa kategori award yang diberikan oleh Pascasarjana UIN Salatiga, diantaranya: 1. Award kepada mahasiswa S2 ter-SANGAR di tingkat Pascasarjana UIN Salatiga; 2. Award kepada mahasiswa ter-SANGAR di tingkat Program Studi; 3. Award kepada Dosen ter-SANGAR; 4. Award kepada Program Studi ter-SANGAR.
Award mahasiswa S2 ter-SANGAR di tingkat Pascasarjana UIN Salatiga diberikan kepada: 1. Yeni Mafiah (Prodi S2 HKI); 2. Ratna Liviani (Prodi S2 PGMI); 3. Rizky Maulana Aziz (Program Studi S2 PAI).
Award mahasiswa ter-SANGAR di tingkat Program Studi, dimana setiap program studi dipilih 3 mahasiswa ter-SANGAR. Program Studi S3 PAI diberikan kepada: 1. Edi Kuswanto; 2. Musbihah; 3. Imam Subqi. Program Studi S2 PAI diberikan kepada: 1. Rizky Maulana Aziz; 2. Maftukhah; 3. Ahmad Yusuf Abdurrohman. Program Studi S2 HKI diberikan kepada: 1. Yeni Mafiah; 2. Andika Mubarok; 3. Safira Nafa K. Program Studi S2 TBI diberikan kepada: 1. Angelia Cipta Nabela; 2. Dwi Hastuti; 3. Muhammad Mufti HarisProgram Studi S2 PGMI diberikan kepada: 1. Ratna Liviani; 2. Khosiyatika; 3. Tri Alfi Nur Fikri. Program Studi S2 Ekonomi Syariah diberikan kepada: 1. Salman Zaki Syahriel; 2. M. Aulia Ihza; 3. Wafirotullaela.
Selanjutnya, Award Dosen ter-SANGAR diberikan kepada: 1. Prof. Dr. Saadi, M.Ag; 2. Prof. Dr. Imam Sutomo; 3. Prof. Dr. Miftahudin; 4. Prof. Dr. Rasimin, M.Pd.I. Terakhir, Award Program Studi ter-SANGAR diberikan kepada: 1. Program Studi S2 Hukum Keluarga Islam; 2. Program Studi S2 Pendidikan Agama Islam; dan 3. Program Studi S2 Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah.
Direktur Pascasarjana dan Wakil Direktur Pascasarjana UIN Salatiga berharap dengan adanya kegiatan ini dapat memberikan spirit akademis yang tinggi kepada seluruh sivitas akademika pascasarjana UIN Salatiga. Selain itu, beliau juga berharap kepada seluruh sivitas akademika pascasarjana UIN Salatiga untuk selalu menginternalisasikan budaya kerja “SANGAR” dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya masing-masing. “SANGAR” merupakan sebuah akronim dari kata Smart, Accountable, Novel, Green, Adaptive, Religious. (ECA)